Infertility. What I was Told. What I Told Myself. What I Believed. A Poem.
I Was Told
Infertility isn’t life or death, I was told.
Having a family, or not, was a choice, I was told.
There’s pain out there that is more important, I was told.
You can always adopt, I was told.
Maybe you weren’t meant to be a mother, I was told.
Don’t be so selfish, I was told.
There are children out there, just waiting for a home, I was told.
You can be a family of two, I was told.
You can have mine! I was told.
There are other ways to have a meaningful life, besides being a mother, I was told.
God obviously has other plans for you, I was told.
Channel that energy into other places, I was told.
Keep trying, it’ll work eventually, maybe, I was told.
You’re young, I was told.
You’re not so young, I was told.
Get a hobby, I was told.
Make other choices, I was told.
Think about something else, I was told.
Get another degree, I was told.
Take a vacation, I was told.
Take a break, I was told.
Eat a pineapple, I was told.
Become a vegan, I was told.
Eat keto, I was told.
Exercise more, I was told.
Stop running, I was told.
Try yoga, I was told.
Keep positive, I was told.
Negative thoughts will produce negative results, I was told.
Sleep 8 hours a night, I was told.
Drink only room temperature water, I was told.
Don’t drink coffee, I was told.
Don’t drink liquor, I was told.
Eat only organic food, I was told.
Remove toxic people from your life, I was told.
It doesn’t really matter as much as you think, I was told.
I wish you really knew what having kids was going to be like, I was told.
At least you don’t have to get fat and pregnant, I was told.
Look at all the disposable income you will have, I was told.
At least you’re married, I was told.
Buy a bigger house, I was told.
Buy a nicer car, I was told.
Get over yourself, I was told. (But not exactly in those words.)
Move on, I was told.
Don’t quit, I was told.
Don’t let this change you, I was told.
If God meant for you to be a mother, you would be one already, I was told.
Fertility treatment will cause cancer, I was told.
You’re crazy! I was told.
Why are you so obsessed, I was told.
Think of something else, I was told.
Relax, I was told.
You’re meant to do something else with your life, I was told.
There are too many children in this world already, I was told.
Accept what is, I was told.
Accept what isn’t, I was told.
Grow up! I was told.
Get over yourself, I was told.
Choose a new path, I was told.
Acceptance is the key, I was told.
Life goes on, I was told.
It wasn’t meant to be, I was told.
Life’s too short to be this unhappy, I was told.
Children are a pain in the ass! I was told.
You’re better off without them, I was told.
I wish I hadn’t had them, I was told.
Life isn’t complete without children, I was told.
Your marriage isn’t whole without children, I was told.
You aren’t complete without them, I was told.
You aren’t. I was told.
I Told Myself
You are less, I told myself.
You are empty, I told myself.
You are incomplete, I told myself.
You are damaged, I told myself.
You are not a whole woman, I told myself.
You are not a woman, I told myself.
I Felt
I am present, I felt.
I am resilient, I felt.
I am strong, I felt.
I am healthy, I felt.
I am calm, I felt.
I am peaceful, I felt.
I am worthwhile, just as I am, I felt.
I am a woman, whole and complete, I felt.
I am a powerful force, I felt.
I am loved and I am loving, I felt.
I am peace. I felt.
I am whole and complete, in this moment, I felt.
I am. I felt.
I listened to it all.
I Believed
I believed this. I felt this.
I am.
Exactly as I am.